
Michele A. Polselli's Kindergarten
Melville Elementary School, Portsmouth, RI

Sharing School with Your Child

Your kindergartner may not know how to talk about what he does at school. You can help by asking specific questions – What did you do today? What was your favorite thing? Did you make a new friend? Listening carefully to his responses will encourage your child to talk freely about his life at school.

Make a place at home to display your child’s art work and writing. Fasten paintings to the refrigerator with magnets, or hang them on a piece of clothesline with clothespins. Encourage your child to share things he has done in school with the whole family.

Make a "play box" of simple materials, and encourage your child to do creative projects at home. Collect old buttons, fabric scraps, magazines, empty meat trays and other containers, yarn, glue, crayons and scissors. Keep the "play box" on a shelf where your child can easily reach it and work with it on themselves.

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Michele Polselli
Please contact
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