Winter Holidays


Michele A. Polselli's Kindergarten
Melville Elementary School, Portsmouth, RI


 Holidays Around the World


Yesterday we continued our year long partnership with the fourth graders.  We celebrated Winter Holidays around the world with food, crafts, singing, games and stories. The fourth graders from Mr. Smith’s class were our tour guides.  Each student was responsible to guide a group of 2-4 Kindergarten students through five centers.

bulletThe Craft Center

We learned the Menorah Song and created a sponge painted menorah, the candleholder used each night of Hanukkah.  The children painted 8 small candles to signify each night of Hanukkah and one tall candle, the shamash.  This is the “helper” candle used to light the other candles.  After making the menorah the fourth grade “teacher” read the kindergarten children the story, Hanukkah!

bulletThe Dance Center

The children learned an African song and practiced their creative expression through dancing with streamers, beating a drum and playing the jingle sticks.

bulletThe Game Center

We learned the dreidel game. Dreidel is a popular game played during Hanukkah. Players use pennies, nuts, raisins, or chocolate coins (gelt) as tokens or chips. We used pennies.  The player spins the dreidel. When the dreidel stops, the letter that is facing up decides how many pennies a player wins or loses.

bulletThe Food and Cultural Artifact Center

We enjoyed candies sent to us from Puerto Rico.  We looked at maps and flags and used traditional instruments such as the maracas. We discussed how Christmas is celebrated in Puerto Rico.   We learned that people in Puerto Rico use maracas and guitars when caroling to friends’ houses during the holiday season.  Carolers surprise their friends and neighbors with festive singing and in turn they are treated to food and drink.

bulletThe Pattern Center

      We learned that during Kwanzaa families celebrate 7 important ideas.  One of these important ideas is creativity.  Gifts that are homemade are often exchanged at the end of Kwanzaa.  We used our creativity to make pattern necklaces using the traditional colors of Kwanzaa, red, green and black.

bulletThe Writing Center

We will continue a traveling suitcase which will house a reflective piece of writing for each student about the multicultural celebration.

Tomorrow we will draw pictures and write about the activites that we enjoyed and what we learned about Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzza around the world. 

We look forward to our Celebration of The Chinese New Year next month.  If you can help with any artifacts, food or personal stories, please contact Mrs. Rahilly at

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