Big Books
This is
where I read stories to the children on a daily basis. Most of our books
are big books, which allows for a Language Rich Environment. In a
classroom that uses Whole Language, big books is a major focus as a teaching
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In the
Building Blocks Center the children learn to organize blocks and arrange them
to make various creations. Also in the block are there are people, cars,
animals and roads to build towns. Most children love this center and
their imaginations are unyielding here. I will try to place some
pictures periodically throughout the year of some of the creations the
children have made.
Every day we visit the Calendar
and most of our Math is done right. We learn the numbers, days of the
week, months of the year. We have a monthly pattern that we follow and
we are counting the days of the month as well as how many days are in the
school year. We have a celebration as we reach the 100th day. As the year continues,
we add on various math standards to
the Calendar Center.
center is designed to help strengthen and enhance the skill of coloring.
There are markers, pens, crayons and pencils all available for daily skill
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The computer
center is one of the most popular centers in the room. The children
learn to control the mouse and to become familiar with the keyboard. The
timers are set to control the sessions, which are 10 minutes in length.
With the use of the network, we are able to use the CCC program which
basically reinforces letter and number recognition. Along with this CCC
also provides storytelling and story writing. Because we are a part of
the Model Classroom Initiative funded by The Rhode Island Foundation and Bill
Gates, we are able to have 1 computer for every 4 children. I have
created one project on Nutrition which I begin after Christmas.
He learns how machines work
and how they can help him learn more.
He practices hand~eye coordination using the mouse.
He is able to learn the processes necessary to use technology.
He learns how to express his ideas through technology and share his ideas with
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center changes weekly. I have various manipulatives with which the
children can use to count with. I change the numbers depending upon the
child's level. In January I enhance this center by allowing the
children to choose Adding or Subtracting cards.
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At the Cutting Center, basic skills are mastered daily. The use of
scissors is so important as a daily function in Kindergarten. This
center reinforces and helps to strengthen the muscles in the hand that allow
the fingers to squeeze the scissors firmly.
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This center allows the children
to pretend and role play through the characters that live here. Allowing
children to pretend gives the teacher the opportunity to help model good
social skills.
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learns to listen.
He has an opportunity to increase his vocabulary by
hearing new words read to him. He learns about different concepts, people and
He learns to enjoy books and reading.
His mind is stimulated, visualizing the things he is hearing about. After books have been read by the teacher, this center
allows the child to hear it again and again. They also can follow along
in the story and model what I have done by touching the words at the bottom as
the person reads to them.
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opportunity to paint is oftentimes is available to children every day.
If the child doesn't choose to go there during center time, then during their
Free Choice of Play they may paint. This helps to strengthen the whole
arm as opposed to just the hand when the child is coloring. The easel
doesn't allow you to rest your hand as you work so the muscles will get
stronger. This inclined board is also great for just plain writing and
forming letters because it forces you to use your whole arm and not just your
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Play Doh
This is probably the place where
your child will develop and strengthen their finger and hand muscles the most.
Oftentimes it is a messy center, but the benefits outweigh the mess.
Giving this opportunity at home is a plus. Just through an old sheet
down on the floor around where your child uses the play dough and when they
are through just gather up the sheet and shake it outside! Your floor
will stay neat and clean!
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role playing center which encourages correct social skills is the Puppets.
Here the children can retell stories that they have heard during the day or
even make up their own. It is a great opportunity to teach co-operation
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children are a whiz at puzzles and others need more time to process the skill
of puzzle making. No matter what the level, there is a wide range of
puzzles at this center to strengthen the mind.
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At the Reading center the children
have the opportunity to read a choice of good books and visit some of the same
books that I have read during the day. It is comfortable and the puppets are
also allowed here so the child may retell the story with the puppet.
Even though most of the children cannot read the words of the story
independently, I can tell if they comprehended the story by listening to them
retell the story.
Management for Center time
Each child during Centers is given a Center Sheet that has their
name on it and the heading:
My Center Worksheet
Today is ___________ and I went to ...
The chidren then cut out the picture of the center that they
choose to work at for the day and glue it to the paper. This is sent
home daily and the parents now know what to discuss with their child about
their day. The pictures are from
Boardmaker. When they have
finished glueing all of the pictures then they receive a new Center Sheet.
This way I know that the children are visiting all the centers and they are
making their choices about them.