China Last Tuesday we continued our year long partnership with the fourth graders. We celebrated the Chinese culture with food, crafts, singing, games and stories. The fourth graders from Mrs.Straka’s class were our tour guides. Each student was responsible to guide a group of 2-4 Kindergarten students through five centers. Each child created a lantern with a picture of a bird, animal or fish on it. The lanterns are used in China for the Lantern festival which is 10 days after the Chinese New Year and marks the end of the New Year celebration. Lanterns are used to symbolize lighting your way to a brighter future. Each child listened to the story Cleversticks by Bernard Ashley. The little boy in the story was so sad because his friends could do things that he couldn’t do. He soon discovered that he could delight his friends with his ability to use chopsticks! We continued a traveling suitcase which will house a reflective piece of
writing for each student about the country of study.
The Food and Cultural Artifact Center We enjoyed fortune cookies and a rice snack mix. The fortune cookies were a big hit. We were delighted to see traditional clothing, coins, pictures and books from China. We looked at the flag of China and colored a red background with 1 large yellow star and 4 small yellow stars. We look forward to our Celebration of Ireland next month. If you can help with any artifacts, food or personal stories, please contact Mrs. Rahilly at westmainpizza@cox.net. |
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